Geo-intelligent laptop settings
This stealthy little app loves to do your dirty work. Sidekick configures laptop settings for people on the move!
What is Sidekick?
Sidekick is an application that automatically updates your laptop settings based on where you are. Just install the app, configure the places that you frequent, (home, work, a coffee shop, etc.) and never fuss with your settings again!
What does Sidekick do?
Sidekick has the power to auto-adjust various laptop system preferences and application settings. Here are just a few of the things that Sidekick can control:
  • Open and close applications
  • Change the Default Printer
  • Connect to Server
  • And much more...
What are “actions”?
Sidekick performs different actions each time you move your laptop to a new location. You can set up all kinds of actions such as adjusting your volume, or configuring your default printer.

What are “places”?
Places represent the different computing environments in your life. Sidekick understands that the way you use your laptop at home is different than at work, school, on an airplane, or in a coffee shop. Sidekick recognizes your location and configures your laptop accordingly!
Sidekick is even more configurable with a variety of free plugins for your favourite apps. You can even build your own plugins.